Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving in London

The British obviously don't celebrate Thanksgiving so Nate had to go to school on Thursday and we celebrated on Friday. We had a lovely time with just the two of us. We had a yummy turkey and most of the fixings (we skipped yams and pumpkin pie as niether of us are fans). Thanks to the family for the Rasberry Jello and the pudding mix. It is just not Thanksgiving without Chocolate pie and Rasberry Jello!


  1. cute pictures! the pie looks more than yummy. did you cook a turkey? if so i'm terribly impressed. sounds like a fun day.

  2. We cooked a small turkey and it still took us about a week to eat it all. We weren't complaining though!

  3. We cooked a small turkey and it still took us about a week to eat it all. We weren't complaining though!

  4. well, i'm impressed! i'm with you on the leftovers--is there anything better than a homemade turkey sandwich? i like mine with a little mayo, salt & pepper with a leaf of lettuce. yummmmmm.....
