Tuesday, April 07, 2009


So I have learned over the last few years that life loves to throw you curve balls.  

It appears that we are once again changing life plans and heading out for a new destination.  While both of us have become ridiculously attached to Boise, we are forced by karma, or divine will, or the economy, to relocate once again.  This will be the 13Th move in almost five years.  This is a bittersweet move.  

We are moving back to Utah, which is closer to our families.  It will be so nice to be included in our families again.  We are still sad about it though because we have made friends here and had even started to think about living here permanently (you know, deciding on what neighborhood to live in, where our kids would go to school, etc).  The huge bummer for me is that I have to once again transfer schools.  At Boise State I could graduate in a year.  At BYU or the U of U, it would probably take a lot longer.  I just really want to be done!  

We have no definite plan, just roughly the end of July and possibly living in between downtown SLC and Provo somewhere.  We are pondering buying house with things the way they are but who knows.  I am trying to get excited about it, but after moving all our earthly possessions 13 times, i just really don't want to do it again.  

If anyone cares to weigh in on the BYU v. U of U debate I could use some input.  BYU is where I started, is arguably a better school, and is way cheaper than the U.  U of U is closer to where Nate will work and we could get a house closer to where we want to be eventually and we could maybe still get by on one car.  Dilemma. 

More on Nate's job when we have an official offer!  

I am pleased to hear I have a few more blog stalkers (the good kind, not the creepy kind).  Please leave comments!    


  1. That is a lot of moving! I'm sure it will all work out. Wish we could be there to help you pack up. Not that you need the help of one woman and four little kids. :) But maybe you feel the sentiment anyway. I hope the move is a happy one in the end. Good luck and lots of love! :)

  2. Oh,bummer. But just think you are like a pro now, and you won't have to do it again for a long time.
    There are some nice homes for sell in our area. I really like were my kids are growing up, and it is close to BYU.
    Congratulations Nate, on the job! that is very exciting.

  3. Change is generally hard for me, even when it is something good...I guess it just takes a bit of time to get used to something different. We wish you the best in this move and all the changes that come with it - new home, new job, new school! You guys do seem like pros at this whole routine now! :)

  4. I will stalk your blog anytime you want.

  5. DON'T GO... I've thought of far too many things I've yet to show you!

  6. The way things have been the last few days I may just refuse to go!
