This always works for me!
Unfortunately the previous picture was months ago when Bowie was still a baby, and that was an acceptable excuse for his bad behaviour. Now things are more interesting. He is finally house trained and he really is an all around awesome dog. He just doesn't like to display that side of himself to the world. Last weekend, much to my horror, we found three ticks on Bowie after going hiking by the Boise River. Nate was kind enough to come to my rescue and pull them out but I was pretty horrified. I was in such a state that I didn't think to take pictures of the event,but I'm sure they would have been funny. Here's what they looked like anyway:
So yesterday I took Bowie to the vet to get the whole slew of
heart worm,
whip worm, hookworm, roundworm, flea, and tick prevention. When I got to the vet, Bowie politely peed in the bushes outside and we walked around to see if he had to do his other job. He wasn't interested so we went inside and checked in. Bowie then proceeds to poop on the floor of the vets office, not once, but twice. I was
embarrassed but he didn't seem bothered. Then he decided it was a good idea to growl and bark at the sweet old dog that lives at the vets. Then he did the same thing to another cute little puppy. At this point, everyone in the office is looking at me like "can't you get control of your dog?" Then he peed on the floor, too. Now, anyone who has read this blog before knows that we were fanatical when it came to researching the breed, finding a vet, getting and excellent trainer, etc. We have spent tons of money, effort, and time getting Bowie to be a freakishly well socialized and trained dog.
Unfortunately, as I said, he doesn't like to let anyone know that he is capable of being a really good dog. I am at my wits end.
Anyway, this is him now, looking totally scruffy and in need of a groom. We just got back from yet another hike by the river so I'm gonna dive in and see if I can't find any more ticks (and will he show his appreciation by not trying to bite me? probably not).
PS. I can't figure out how to make his eyes look normal instead of that scary blue color. Any thoughts?