This is our new boy! He is as sweet as can be. I can't help but notice the difference between him and Bowie. Tate is mellow and cuddly and dopey and Bowie is high-strung and hyper-alert and kind of grouchy (but will cuddle with me when he wants to). We take them both to the dog park several times a week and Bowie sticks by me and observes the other dogs until he decides they are worthy of playing with. Tate, on the other hand, bounds in and runs around in an uncoordinated manner, trying desperately to play with ALL the dogs and cuddle with all the owners at the same time. They love each other though and it helps me immensely to have them entertain each other. I get so much more done! We love this boy! And, of course, we love Bowie too!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Meet Tate
This is our new boy! He is as sweet as can be. I can't help but notice the difference between him and Bowie. Tate is mellow and cuddly and dopey and Bowie is high-strung and hyper-alert and kind of grouchy (but will cuddle with me when he wants to). We take them both to the dog park several times a week and Bowie sticks by me and observes the other dogs until he decides they are worthy of playing with. Tate, on the other hand, bounds in and runs around in an uncoordinated manner, trying desperately to play with ALL the dogs and cuddle with all the owners at the same time. They love each other though and it helps me immensely to have them entertain each other. I get so much more done! We love this boy! And, of course, we love Bowie too!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Inner Turmoil
Nate and I moved last weekend to Draper, UT. I am still very conflicted about this move. Our town house is great, we will have a better income, we are closer to our families who we love, I get to go back to BYU which I have always wanted to do, and in general things will be great here. Maybe it's just that Nate is now working from dusk until dawn, and I am stuck home without a car or tv or internet (currently "borrowing"-- thanks, new neighbors!), unpacking, and there is no where near us to let Bowie run off leash and he is freaking out so he is more high maintenance than usual, but I am going a little crazy. I feel myself getting mopey and panicked. Even now as I write this I keep zoning out for minutes at a time. I find myself missing my friends and not feeling particularly moved to make new ones, picking out all the bad things about Draper and none of the good, and generally being sour about the state of things. It is a slippery slope and I am wearing the proverbial no-traction flip-flops (really I'm wearing my chaco's which always make me feel better, but that is not as dramatic since they have great traction--wow, the babbling).
So why am I blogging about this, you may ask? If I throw all this out there to the blogosphere, I feel like it will give me a higher level of accountability when I tell you all that I am committing to be more chipper. I could just say it out loud, but Bowie doesn't care (not that you do). I'm going to go work on that goal. Pictures of the new place to follow shortly!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
More Dog Stuff
Monday, June 29, 2009

When I was a kid my parents basically tortured us by setting up a mini sweatshop in our house. Our job was to take the five or six Sunday papers my dad brought home and lay out all the coupon pages in a row and then staple the pages together so that all the same coupons were in a group and then we would cut them out. Then we would file them in the little Tupperware box my mom always took with her to the grocery store. Often, she would take one or all five of us kids and have us stand in line behind her with identical carts when there was a limit to how much you could buy in one purchase. We often had shopping trips where we paid a few dollars for a whole cart of groceries, and we had a few memorable times where the grocery store actually owed us money when we were done. It was a pain (even though I secretly enjoyed the lining up and cutting of the coupons because I am sort of a dork).
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Graduation, house hunting, etc.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Five Years!
Nate and I were married five years ago today. We got married on a beautiful Spring morning in the Salt Lake Temple. Since then we have spent five wonderful years traveling the world in search of our hopes and dreams. While we have accomplished a lot in the last five years, we are looking forward to the many awesome things to come. It is amazing to think of all the things we have done over the last few years (BYU, Notre Dame Law School, London, Nate's graduation), and then to realize how much we still have to come (a house, kids, my graduation, etc.).
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Need to be cheered up?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I bravely agreed to be interviewed by my good friend Courtney. It was nice to think back on all this stuff. Thanks, Courtney! In the spirit of Internet tags, if anyone dares, leave a comment with your email address and a request to be interviewed by me! I will send five questions to the first five commenters who will then post the answers on their blog. Its actually pretty fun. Enjoy!
1. Of the many places you have lived (at least as a married adult), what is your favorite AND least favorite about each?
-Provo, UT (May 2004-July 2005) My favorite part about living a BYU married ward was my neighbors. This was, and probably still is, the best ward we have been in. We were so close with all our neighbors (literally because the ward consisted of about three apartment buildings) because they were such awesome people. Sadly, I haven't really kept in touch with anyone, but that is how school wards go.
My least favorite part about that place was the lack of a dishwasher. Nate worked at Dominoes and at the League of Credit Unions and at the Karras Campaign and went to school full time. I worked full time at Open Court (40 minutes away at 5am every morning) and went to school full time so we never had time to do dishes. A few times we even loaded up a laundry basket full of dishes and took them with us to Nate's parents to run them through the dishwasher.
My least favorite part was pretty much everything else. I worked a ton there and didn't make very much. The weather was truly awful. We had blizzards, tornadoes, monsoons, flooding, electrical storms, and weeks upon weeks of rain in the fall and spring both. It made it pretty and green, but you could never go outside. I had to start tanning to keep away the intense cabin fever.
Pretty much the only things I didn't like was the high cost of everything and the fact that we were so far away from our families (but luckily they, and many others, came to visit).
My least favorite thing is my neighbors. If we were staying in Boise longer, we would definitely be moving to another place!
3. You have a cute lil' pup, Bowie. What is the most challenging thing about having a dog?
4. If there were no concerns about cost of education and length of time to complete it, what would you choose to study?
5. How did you and Nate meet?
-I moved to Utah about three days after I graduated high school. I got a summer job at the Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum. I worked with a gal named Ambre who called up a guy she knew in HS (Nate) to see if he would take her on a date. Nate came down to the museum and asked me out instead. He said it only took him four or five dates to know he wanted to marry me, but it took me significantly longer. About a year later we got married. We have been married almost five years now!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Shock collar

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It has been a long time since I have blogged. I don't even have an excuse.