Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pretending to be cool enough to be tagged

8 favorite TV shows:
Gilmore Girls
How I Met Your Mother
The Big Bang Theory
Arrested Development
Project Runway
The Barefoot Contessa
LA Ink

8 things I did yesterday:
Skip economics to study for Anatomy and Physiology
Work my butt off at the gym because the new cocktail of pills I am on is making me fat
Take my Anatomy test (I got an A so that justifies missing a class to study)
Process my film for my final Photography project
Come to the realization that I am going to have to shoot more film
Go to the dentist (Boo)
Half watch House/ half write my Economics paper that is due tomorrow
Take my super cute puppy for a much needed walk

8 things to look forward to:
Thanksgiving break- no school for a whole week- hooray
My mom and my sisters coming for thanksgiving
Twilight tomorrow night at midnight!
The Forgotten Carols Friday night
December 20Th- my best friends wedding- and the reason I need to not get too fat
Christmas- which really means no school!
Nate getting a permanent job
(is it telling that this was the easiest section to write?  Perhaps I should live in the moment more)

8 favorite restaurants
Rice in London (sad since I don't live there anymore and it's my favorite)
Cafe Rio (unfortunate since they don't have one in Idaho where I currently live)
Matta's (depressing since they closed a few months ago, the end of an era)
Harvest Restaurant (also only in Utah)
Bonefish grill (hooray they have one in Boise!)
TJ's Burgers

8 things on my wish list:
get out of debt
graduate college
divine inspiration on what I should do with my life
my puppy to never pee/poo on my carpet again
four extra hours in the day in which I get to see my husband
that fancy high paying job in DC
an upswing in the economy so my husband can get that fancy high paying job in DC
absolute foresight

Since I don't even think 8 people read my blog (so sad for me) I'm not going to tag anyone.  Do it if you want to and then let me know so I can read it!


  1. I enjoyed reading your list and learning a little more about you! That was fun! Good luck with school and give that cute puppy a hug for me (and I sympathize with the pee/poo...we have a new puppy, too)! :)

  2. Speaking of that cute puppy, hop over to my blog to enjoy him if you can't enjoy him in person. And Twilight at Midnight. Hahah! We need to do your cards too-- I quickly touched up your files... let's crank em out before I leave, mmkay?

    Talk to you tomorrow. I might be skipping classes for the FIRST time this semester (minus my trip to CALI). That is unprecedented!!!

  3. I loved reading your list. I'm so glad you did it. I felt like I got another little glimpse into your life. I'm excited about Twilight, too. Cory and I are going to see it for our date tomorrow night. Fun stuff. :)

  4. Thanks guys! I love to get blog validation.

  5. What? no Mattas! i am very sad
