Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Bar, etc.

Nate takes the Bar exam this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Things are getting tense and he is studying like mad. Once he passes he will finally be a real live lawyer! It has been a long road and we will both be glad to be done with this last major part.

I recently went, somewhat against my will, to Boise State orientation. It was good to see the campus and I was excited to get signed up for my classes. After I went through the whole "don't steal, don't walk around campus alone at night, make sure you study" spiel I tried to register for classes. They informed me that I had been discontinued and that I was not actually a student at Boise State. I yelled and waved my brand new student ID in their faces and said "I beg to differ!" enough times that they finally called the deans office and had someone with special clearance re-enroll me. Of course I had to wait until the next day to register for my classes so everything I need is long gone and I am showing late enrollment so I am not eligible for financial aid. Needless to say the day was not fun and I still have an endless list of people to yell at before everything is fixed. For example, even though I took AP English Lit in HS, Honors English Composition and Advanced Persuasive writing at BYU, I apparently have not filled the English 101 requirement at BSU. BS-U is right so far. I am trying to stay positive and take my mom's advice that yelling gets you nowhere, but it makes me feel better to yell. Finally, after all this, I did get some fun classes--not ones I really need, but fun all the same. I am excited to get back in the swing of things, and I'm sure things will look up any time now. Rant over... well, paused. I'm sure I will have more to say in the future. I can just tell.

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