That's right single digits! In honor of single digits we are making a top 9 list of places we want to go that we haven't been. Note to those of you who will call us on the fact that Alayna has been to Paris and I have been to Hawaii we mean places we want to go that we haven't been together.
9: China
8: Goa, India
7: Yellowstone
6: Australia
5: Israel
4: Hawaii
3: Scotland
2: Malaga, Spain
1: Paris, France (the one in Idaho is too boring.)
I finished my last paper today so now I have one exam and I am officially done with my second year of law school. One to go. Alayna says to write something about London so, here's a shocker, its raining!
Back tommorrow with our top 8 tourist sites around europe.
Yay for Yellowstone. I would also like to visit Jerusalem.