I just finished a book by Jodi Picoult called Second Glances. It was really interesting and I recommend it. It discussed the interesting and controversial blight on American history. In the 1920's and 30's thirty-three states passed bills that in some form or another that paved the way for the sterilization of "inferior" persons. It discussed eugenincs, which usually refers to the selective breeding of certain animals (cows, etc.) to ensure that any inferior genes were weeded out. Doctors, professors, and politicians decided to apply this to humans which usually lead to racial discrimination as well as dicrimination against any who were indigent, feebleminded, insane, blind, deaf, criminally inclined, or transient becuase it was decided these people were inferior and so should not be allowed to procreate. These people were "voluntarily" sterilized. This was then tied to modern day gene selection to get rid of things like inherited disorders such as sickle cell, cystic fibrosis, etc. This is something that scientifically, we are very close to accomplishing. The question at hand is who decides how far to take something like this. Anyway, my point is this: I have to write a research paper for my internet class and I thought this would be an interesting topic. Without turning this into a family debate, I would love to hear any opinions or points of view or even stories that I can work into my paper. It is always good to challenge the mind so let me know what you all think. If you don't want to post something you can email me at
aksechrest@gmail.com. I would really appreciate any help.