Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Dog Stuff

One of the saddest things about leaving Boise in a few weeks is leaving behind Bowie's pals (whose owners have become my pals). We met Henry when they were both just tiny puppies and they have played almost every day since then... in snow, rain, hail, lightning, and sunshine. Tilly came along a little later but we love her just as much!

This is Tilly with her owner Judy. Tilly is the only dog we have met yet who can keep up with Bowie. It is so fun to watch them run together!

He is so good to pose for portraits. Very cute!

Bowie likes to be the boss of Henry. I can't tell you how many hours they have spent locked face to face in tug of war over a ball or a stick or a rope or each others faces.

Henry is such a sweet dopey dog. I will miss him!