In other news we are getting a puppy!! We have wanted one for years, pretty much since we got married, but we have always lived in apartments that don't allow pets. This year I have been working in an animal hospital and Nate and I have been helping with the puppy kindergarten class there. It is pretty funny to see Nate crawling around the floor with five or six puppies and we love it. Almost daily I have people come in with their new puppies and get so jealous. So finally, and after MUCH research, we have picked a breed and a breeder and we have first pick of this year's litters. We probably won't get to bring it home till the end of this year but that works well since we don't know where we will be living yet. The breed is schnoodle, which is pretty cute in itself. It is a mix of a miniture schnauzer and a miniture poodle and it is unbelievably cute. They look a lot like McGruff, the dog I grew up with, just a little smaller. It will be a little pal for me to hang out with while Nate works long hours. If you want to check them out go to I haven't decided if I want all black or if I want the black and brown (phantom).
These are puppies of the kind Nate wants. They are Irish Wolfhound puppies. They will grow to be over 6'6" tall on their hind legs and over 120 pounds but they will stay this sweet. We will probably need to wait a while before we get one.